Summer Is Coming To An End!

August is coming to an end and boy was it an eventful month! School started back for Bear -we are in our second year of homeschool & it has been a very humbling & rewarding experience so far.

This is the first year that we are bringing curriculum into our homeschool routine. We chose to go with Gather Round Homeschool and so far we LOVE it! Bear has taken to it really well & it truly amazes me how much he remembers the topics we read about. He just soaks it all in!

Here are a few more images from our school day out at the local park! These are some of my favorites from the day.

Another exciting thing that happened this month is that Saban began eating solids! With Bear, we chose to transition using the Baby Led Weaning method and it worked so well for all of us! We are doing the same with Saban, and while it took him longer to catch on -he is eating like a champ now! Here are a few cute pics of my foodie baby. -(his favorite is Chick-fil-A of course!)

While I am SO excited for summer to come to an end, I am so grateful for the moments I was able to spend with my family. We visited SO MANY parks this summer, went swimming, had play dates, went to movies, took a train through parts of Iowa, learned to ride a bike, picked our own veggies at a local farm, had High Five Camp and so much more!

I hope you enjoyed reading about our summer. Thank you so much for following along and keeping up with my little family!

Thats all for now! Until next time!

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